The hierarchy of documents within the Village of Lougheed’s land use planning framework is established by the Province of Alberta’s Municipal Government Act (MGA). The MGA requires that each level is consistent with the level above and below it, and that the policies and regulations within planning document(s) at each level may be implemented by those below them in the decision-making process.
The MGA provides the legislative authority for municipal land use planning and decision-making, while the Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) regional plan (or Land Use Policies in their absence) provides broad-based policy directions and principles for municipal land use planning which are affected through statutory plans and bylaws. The statutory plans provide future direction for development and use of lands at the fringe areas of the Village of Lougheed’s boundaries (Intermunicipal Development Plans), or within the whole Village of Lougheed (Municipal Development Plans), or small areas of the Village of Lougheed in greater detail (Area Structure Plans).
The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) regulates the use and development of land based on the policy directions of statutory plans, while the Subdivision and Development Regulations regulates subdivision planning in conjunction with the MGA, applicable statutory plans, and the Land Use Bylaw. The policies, other bylaws, and documents contain additional or specific requirements outside statutory plans and the Land Use Bylaw documents for reviewing and making decisions on applications for development permit and subdivision, either in general or for certain types of developments and subdivisions, or for developments and subdivisions at certain locations.
Where there is a conflict or inconsistency between a higher-level planning document and a lower-level planning document, the higher-level planning document prevails to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.
Land Use Bylaw:
Lougheed Land Use Bylaw outlines the regulations for the use and development of land and buildings in the Village of Lougheed.
Village of Lougheed Land Use Bylaw
Locating Underground Infrastructure
Whether you are landscaping, building a new fence or deck, or simply planting a garden, disturbing the ground on your property can cause damage to a buried utility. Some utilities are buried mere centimetres below the surface.
The result of a contact with a buried line can range from loss of an essential service for you or your neighbours to serious injury or fatalities. The financial costs of repairing any damage you cause to a buried utility will be borne by you, the excavator. Before you disturb the ground for any reason:
AB FIRST CALL 1-800-242-3447
AB SECOND CALL 1-855-263-2255
A minimum of 3 FULL WORKING DAYS NOTICE is required for facility owners to respond to a routine request.
Locate response times can vary and a longer lead is recommended during the busiest months (May – June – July – August and September)
Utility Safety Partners WILL NOT send a ticket to the Village of Lougheed to locate your property’s water and sewer lines.
Development PERMIT FEES
Development Permit Fees must be made at the Village Of Lougheed Office Administration Office
(5004-50STREET) Lougheed, AB
from the Village of Lougheed MASTER RATE BYLAW 807-22
Click below to download the DevelopmentPermit Application Form:
- The Development Office has 40 days to review your development and make a decision.
- Once approved, there is a 21-day waiting period to allow the public to respond to it. If all goes well, development can begin on the 22nd
What is Needed with the Development Permit Application Form?
- Development Application Fee(Cash or Cheque)
- A scaled site plan
- A copy of the certificate of Title to the Land and, if the applicant is not the owner, a statement of the applicant’s interest in the land together with the written consent of the owner to the application.
- If required, a copy of the building plans.
Development Permit Application Form – Fillable
Electrical, Gas & Plumbing Permits
Superior Safety Codes Inc. accepts all bnuilding, electrical, gas and plumbing permit
applications and payment.
Permit application forms can be picked up at the Village Administration Office (5004-50STREET)
OR; downloaded from Superior Safety Code Website at:
or in the links below.
Building Permit Form Download
Electrical Permit Form Download
Superior Safety Codes Inc.
3, 6264 – 67A Street
T4P 3E8 Toll Free: 1-888-358-5545
The building permit is required for the construction, renovation, addition, relocation, or demolition
of buildings or structures to proceed on condition of compliance witht eh Alberta Building Code, which adderssses
public safety and welfare.
Development Permit/Building Permit – Difference
A development permit is required as well as a building permit. A development permit is the start of the process and allows a specific type of development on a specific parcel of land in the community to proceed within the zoning and development bylaws of the municipality. Once the development has been approved, a building permit is then required.
The building permit is required for the construction of buildings or structures to proceed on condition of compliance with the Alberta Building Code, which addresses public safety and welfare.
Most types of construction projects require both development and building permits. This includes major renovations to existing buildings, as well as the construction of new buildings.
If your development project involves construction then a development/building permit along with the supporting documents are required with the permit application.
The Village of Lougheed Office and Superior Safety Codes can assist with completing the forms as needed.
Village of Lougheed Administration Office
PHONE: 780-386-3970
5004 – 50 Street